اعلان 728 × 90

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Questions on Gene transfer

 Gene transfer

1. Gene transfer to fish is generally carried out using ____________
a) YAC vectors
b) Electroporation
c) Microinjection
d) Ultracentrifugation

Answer: c

2. Zebrafish can be used to study gene function.
a) True
b) False

Answer: a

3. Salmon and trout are ___________
a) Hybrids
b) Commercially important
c) Protein producers
d) Transgenic fish

Answer: b

4. Gene transfer technology in fish has lagged behind that in _________
a) Bacteria
b) Virus
c) Mammals
d) Plants

Answer: c

5. The first transgenic fish carried transgenes driven by _________
a) Mammals
b) Xenopus
c) Virus
d) Bacteria

Answer: a

6. Attempts to express growth hormones were initially done with ____________
a) Salmon
b) Xenopus
c) Octopus
d) Trout

Answer: d

7. Fish are advantageous assay systems because of their ____________
a) Size
b) Fecundity
c) Nutritional requirements
d) Environment

Answer: b

8. How many kinds of embryos can be produced using fish for the purpose of transgenesis?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

Answer: b

9. Fish, like frogs can be used for __________ assays.
a) Integrative
b) Nonfunctional
c) Transient
d) Permanent

Answer: c
extensive replication and expression from unintegrated transgenes and hence they can be used for transient assays.
10. Transgenic fish lines are created by ___________ of DNA into the genome.
a) Excision
b) Partial attachment
c) Inactivation
d) Integration

Answer: d

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