اعلان 728 × 90

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DNA Cloning (Question )

DNA Cloning (Question )

1. cDNA, a term used in recombinant DNA technology means
a) Competitive DNA
b) Chemical DNA
c) Complex DNA
d) Complementary DNA

Answer: d
2. The process of introduction of foreign DNA into an animal cell is called
a) Transversion
b) Conversion
c) Inversion
d) Transfection

Answer: d
3. A segment of DNA that reads from the same forward and backward is called
a) Palindromic DNA
b) Complementary DNA
c) Plasmid DNA
d) Copy DNA

Answer: a
4. Which of the following enzyme is used in PCR?
a) Taq DNA polymerase
b) HRP
c) EcoRI
d) EcoRII

Answer: a
5. Which of the following is helpful in distinguishing DNA of one individual from another
a) PCR
b) Reverse transcriptase
c) cDNA

Answer: d
6. Which of the following is the correct order of organization of genetic material from largest to smallest?
a) Genome, chromosome, gene, nucleotide
b) Nucleotide, gene, chromosome, genome
c) Gene, nucleotide, chromosome, genome
d) Chromosome, genome, nucleotide, gene

Answer: a
7. Which of the following codons is not a termination codon for protein synthesis?
a) UUU
b) UAG
c) UAA
d) UGA

Answer: a
8. Which of the following are the two methods of screening?
a) Hybridization and PCR
b) ELISA and blotting
c) ELISA and PCR
d) PCR and RFLP

Answer: a
9. Short sub-sequence of a cDNA sequence is
a) Expressed sequence tag
b) Sequence tagged site
c) Contig
d) YAC

Answer: a
10. Short DNA sequence having single occurrence in genome is
a) Expressed sequence tag
b) Sequence tagged site
c) Contig
d) YAC
Answer: b

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